Tool |
Description |
Character |
Just a short list of supported conversions:
:ASCII↔Unicode, text↔URL-encoded, text↔Base64, text↔uuencode, MD4, MD5, SHA, SHA256, CRC-16, AES, Block TEA, Unix Timestamp↔Windows Timestamp↔ASP.NET Timestamp, dezimal dottet IP↔IPv6↔Integer↔binary, ... where text means any valid Unicode data
OWASP EnDe is free to use. It is licensed under the GPL v2 license.
</td>OWASP EnDe provides:
- Encoder/Decoder
- Timestamp en-/decoder
- IP en-/decoder
- RegEx beautifier
Project Leader
Related Projects
Main Links
- Git Repository
- Stable tarball: unpack and load EnDe.html in your browser
- Latest zip (5/2013) from github: unpack and make gen.all and load EnDe.html in your browser
- Introduction
- OWASP EnDe Project - Tool
- Installation
- Documentation
- related/based on: OWASP CAL9000 Project
- Target Audience: builders, breakers, defenders
</td>Email List
News and Events
- [2015] functions for en-/decoding APEX, DWR, GWT
- [2014] more special unicode characters (combining diaresis, diacrit, etc.)
- [2013] minor improvments
- [2012] latest tested and stable tarball
Please see https://github.com/OWASP/EnDe for latest version.
In Print
Click here for the FAQ document.
EnDe is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. The primary contributors to date have been:
- xxx
Road Map and Getting Involved
As of July, the priorities are:
- Abstarct
EnDe consist of two parts: the core library (API) and the browser interface (GUI). The issues are mapped to either of these categories.
OWASP EnDe Project - Encoder, Decoder, Converter, Transformer, Calculator
Collection of functions for various codings, encodings, decodings and convertions used in the wild wide web. The aim is/was mainly driven by the requirements for HTTP/HTML-based functionality. Copy\&paste must be possible within a browser and functions should be called by just one click.
Current State
EnDe is currently (2012 .. 2015) stable according the offered functionality.
Pending ..
- …
Pending or Planed Requirements / Improvements
- implementing more hashes like Adler-32, Ghost, Haval, Tiger, …
- implementing more encryptions like CAST, DES, TrippleDES, GOST, Loki97, RC2, SaferPlus, Serpent, TwoFish
- implementing codings like UTF-EBCDIC
- building an object oriented API beside the existing procedural/functional API
- replace the hardcoded dispatcher with a generated one
- build stand-alone applicaion with XUL
- build Firefox add-on
Fixed / Completed
- 12/2016 moved from https://github.com/EnDe/EnDe to https://github.com/OWASP/EnDe
- 12/2012 EnDe.lib.zap for usage in ZAP
- 06/2012 setup at github.com
- 12/2011 implementing BlowFish encryption
- 7/2009 selecting license (GPL2, CC-2.5, or a mix?)
- 5/2009 generating some documentation
- 7/2008 implementing sha384, sha512 encryption
Involvement in the development and promotion of EnDe is actively encouraged! You do not have to be a security expert in order to contribute. Some of the ways you can help:
- xxx
Project About
Category:OWASP Project Category:OWASP_Builders Category:OWASP_Defenders Category:OWASP_Document Category:OWASP Tool Category:OWASP Download
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