Local Event Partnership Memo of Understanding
v. 2019-12-26
Form available online for signatory
This Memorandum of Understanding outlines the roles and responsibilities of a collaborative Local Event Partnership between the OWASP Foundation managed by an OWASP Champion with the Partner named below.
Local Events between OWASP Chapters and other organizations provide mutually beneficial awareness and advocacy opportunities to promote secure software development techniques, tools, and projects. The OWASP Foundation is not a party of the actual organizing of this Local Event Partnership and is only responsible for the specific items outlined below.
Under this MOU, all parties shall perform the following:
- Ensure work effort and goodwill is shared relative to the benefits of each party.
- When appropriate, promote the Local Event as “Supported by OWASP.”
- Operate the Local Event as a non-for-profit endeavor with complete financial transparency.
- Conform to the OWASP Code of Conduct.
- Explore and implement programs that increase diversity in AppSec.
Under this MOU, the OWASP Foundation shall be responsible for the following:
- Provide a non-exclusive limited right to use the OWASP name and marks for Local Event
- Where appropriate, promote the Local Event on OWASP website and other channels.
Under this MOU, the OWASP Foundation shall expressly NOT be responsible for the following:
- Any financial expenses of the Local Event.
- Any legal, insurance, and tax obligations of the Local Event.
Under this MOU, the OWASP Champion is solely responsible for ensuring all parties compliance to these terms of this Local Event Partnership. The OWASP Champion must be a member of the OWASP Foundation.
In rare cases, the OWASP Foundation may financially support the Local Event; provided that financial support has prior approval as an OWASP Reimbursable Expense.
Terms outlined above only apply to the single Local Event listed below. This Memorandum of Understanding is agreed to all parties by the authorized representatives below:
OWASP Champion Name:
Event Name & Date: