Invoice Process
Creating Invoice
- Opportunity in Copper is moved by staff from “60-Contact-Sent” to “75-Contract-Signed” stage
- Automation in Copper creates:
- Collect Corporate Assets via
- Post Corporate Assets on Event/Main website as appropriate
- Create invoice in Stripe
- Create Invoice in Stripe
- Navigate in Copper to Opportunity
- Copy the Email address of the Opportinity Primary Contact
- Login to Stripe
- Validate or Create Customer in Stripe
- Search for email address of Opportunity Contact
- If not found, add Contact into Stripe
- Name is person’s name
- Click on Company Name for Billing Details (Address)
- Use company name in Address Line 1
- If Billing Details are missing assign task to staff to collect (or review documents in DocuSign section of Opportunity).
- Select Language (if appropriate)
- Select Currency of the invoice (not necessarily the country of the company)
- If there is a VAT number, select the correct VAT type for Tax ID and put the number in the value box.
- Add Customer
- Navigate in Stripe to Customers > Invoices
- Select NEW Invoice
- Enter Customer Email
- Enter Item as {item - detail} as in “Event Sponsorship - 2020 Summer of Security” or “Corporate Membership - Annual”
- Use Memo field for Corporate Memberships ONLY and include:
Summary of OWASP Corporate Membership Benefits:
- Listing in rotation as Corporate Supporter site-wide on
- Up to $2,500 of your Fee can be applied to Corporate Sponsorship
- Public acknowledgment on various other channels.
- Send Invoice
- Validate customer email address
- CC,
- Press Send Invoice
- Update Copper
- From Stripe Copy 12 digit Invoice number
- Return to Copper and the Opportunity
- Paste Invoice number into “Invoice number” field
- Change “Invoice Date” to “today”
- Change opportunity stage from “75-Contract-Signed” to “90-Invoice-Sent”
- Close Task as done
- Virtual accounting will enter invoice received via email to QuickBooks
- Customer can pay via CC or wire transfer directly to Stripe
- Virtual accounting will mark invoice paid once payment recieved via Stripe
- At anytime staff/Virtual can check Stripe for status of open invoices
Changing Invoice
Stripe does not allow invoices which have been finalized/sent to be changed. Not the amount, not the date, not the items. This seems to make a good deal of sense for auditing purposes. If an invoice was sent in error, or it contains errors you must:
- VOID the invoice in Stripe and include a reason in the note field
- Download a PDF of the VOIDED invoice
- Email the PDF to,
- Create a new invoice with the process above
Payment made to the Wrong Invoice
- Create a note on the paid invoice of overpayment and which invoice overage will be apply to.
- Open the invoice to which the payment was to be made and issue a CREDIT NOTE
- Include the paid invoice reference number
- Download a PDF of the paid invoice
- Email the PDF to,