OWASP Colorado Springs
Welcome to the OWASP Colorado Springs Chapter! A welcoming community of technology professionals interested in the world of Application Security.
We hope to be a community built chapter and want to explore locations around the city. We regularly meet at the National Cybersecurity Center (NCC), however some meetup locations may vary! Our meetups consist of workshops, speakers, and other technical infosec opportunities. Technical knowledge is NOT required and all who are interested are welcome to attend our meetups. Join our Slack server to stay up to date!
Upcoming Meetings
OWASP Colorado Springs Next Chapter Meeting is January 19, 2023 @ 6:00PM
We recommend following our Meetup Group to stay up to date on our chapter meetups!
Colorado Springs Meetup Group
Next Meeting:
Our meetings are open to the public, and you do not need to be a member to attend.
Please do consider joining OWASP if you find our community, projects, and meetings valuable, or sponsoring this chapter.
Call for Volunteers and Support
If you are interested in supporting our Chapter, please reach out to Terry Bradley or Marc Sanchez Your support helps us run bigger and better meetups by providing food, drinks, securing venues, and help speakers who are traveling.
Call for Speakers
Please make sure you read the speaker agreement.
[Apply Here], or email (Terry Bradley or Marc Sanchez).
Past Events
Previous meetup slides can be found on our chapter LinkedIn Page
Jason Haddix - The Bug Hunters Methodology: Recon
October 27, 2022
National Cybersecurity Center (NCC)
OWASP COS Kick-Off August 25, 2022 National Cybersecurity Center (NCC)