
Greetings from the OWASP Patna chapter!

We are a community of cybersecurity enthusiasts committed to improving software security in our region. Our chapter, which is a part of the worldwide OWASP network, aims to connect regional experts, academics, and students who are interested in software security. You can keep up with the most recent security trends, gain knowledge from professionals, and take part in neighborhood activities by becoming a member of our chapter. Our chapter is a wonderful place to meet like-minded people and develop your skills, whether you are a seasoned cybersecurity expert or are just starting out in the field. Anyone with an interest in software security is invited to join us and participate in our community. We appreciate you being interested in the OWASP Patna chapter.


The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. All of our projects, tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security.

Chapters are led by local leaders in accordance with the Chapters Policy. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online donation button.


If you are interested being a speaker on OWASP Patna, we request you to kindly submit your details in the form below.

Become a Speaker

Upcoming Meetup

Upcoming session details can be found on the OWASP Patna Meetup

Check out our past sessions


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Our past events are listed below

Session Date Mode Video Speaker
1 22nd April, 2023 Online Securing AWS Cloud Infrastructure Shashank Dubey
2 20th May, 2023 Online Playing with Access Control Inderjeet Singh
3 8th July, 2023 Online File Upload Vulnerabilities Explored Saurabh Kumar
4 2nd September, 2023 Online Advanced Persistent Threat Saurabh Kashyap
5 21st October, 2023 Online Moving forward in bug bounties: Guide to a never-ending Road Manas Harsh
6 25th November, 2023 Online Behind the Scenes of SSRF: A Comprehensive Exploration Rajveersinh Parmar