OWASP Gujarat Technological University - Student Chapter


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OWASP GTU-Graduate school of Engineering and Technology was founded in August 2021. We are a group of technical skilled college students on a mission to disseminate the Cyber Awareness to our societies, and Sharpening up Cyber security skills for our Students of GTU-GSET! The chapter presents many opportunities to the software community to secure application development, Web/App Security, Penetration Testing, Bug Bounty, Ethical Hacking and many more. Join our enthusiastic team to make Cyber Space a Better Place!


The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. All of our projects, tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security.

Chapters are led by local leaders in accordance with the Chapters Policy. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP Project, independent research, or related software security topic you would like to present.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in our Projects, Local Chapters, Events, Online Groups, and Community Slack Channel. We especially encourage diversity in all our initiatives. OWASP is a fantastic place to learn about application security, to network, and even to build your reputation as an expert. We also encourage you to be become a member or consider a donation to support our ongoing work.

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